About VECA


How it began
In June 2017, members of the U.S. Climate Action Network (USCAN) voted to develop a climate policy platform based on the demands of climate science, equity, and justice. A large action team of members has led the work of developing the platform. Nearly 200 individuals from more than 106 organizations have participated.
The result is the Vision for Equitable Climate Action (VECA), a platform of just and equitable policies with the goal of satisfying what climate science says is necessary to hold global average temperature rise to 1.5°C. All signatories of this document are aligned with its underlying principle of immediate, equitable action at the scale needed to respond effectively to the climate crisis, but not necessarily aligned with every detailed policy idea. The document may be amended or supplemented in the future based on the evolution of our work and of knowledge and innovation.
The authors of VECA represent the diverse landscape of our nation. The contributors included: organizers in remote, rural communities to those living in densely populated urban settings; grassroots, frontline activists to those steeped in federal policy; scientists to faith leaders; people from the East Coast to the West Coast, and points in between.
The Problem
Learn more about the platform.

The Science
Causes of extreme and catastrophic changes to the planet’s climate system.
The Injustice
Facing those suffering the first and worst of climate change.
The Roadblocks
Responses to hindrances from corrupting influences and power